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If you have any news items about your Conclave or any of its members that might be of interest to other members please email roger.smith636@btinternet.com


Telephone 01647 270115



 Province of Devonshire


have the greatest pleasure in announcing that the following members of our
Order will be receiving Grand Honours in November at the Grand Conclave
meeting in London.

First Appointment
Wy Bro. Mervyn SYMES … Grand Guarder ” Active “

VWy Bro. Ian HARPER …. to Past Grand Guide … ( Rt.Wy)
Wy.Bro. Werner Lothmann …. to Past Grand Sword Bearer.

On behalf of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler and the Brethren of the
Province we offer our sincere Congratulations to All three .
Fraternally ,
Wy Bro.Roger Smith . PGSwdB
Provincial Grand Recorder .
Devonshire. Sept.2024Province Grand Conclave of Devonshire. 6th July 2024


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On Saturday 6 th July 2024, the 18 th Annual Meeting of the Province of Devonshire was held at the Mt.Edgcombe, Masonic Hall in Plymouth, 11am , under the Banner of Devon Conclave No. 165. It was well attended with all Conclaves being represented by their Supreme Rulers or Brethren.

We had a wonderful meeting and were honoured with 8 PGSR’s and 5 Deputy PGSR’s from other Provinces along with 2 Past PGSR’s namely :- Rt.Wy Bros. Lyndon Hughson from West Wales and Barry Kessell from Cornwall. Our own Past.PGSR Rt.Wy.Bro.Roger Guest being unable to attend. Plus of course several Heads of Orders of Allied Degree being Members of our Order.


                               During the Meeting, the PGSR Rt.Wy Bro John Whitfield, appointed and Invested his new Team for this Year :-


Grand Chancellor Rt.Wy,Bro, P.Hawken MBE. PGC.
Grand Counsellor Wy.Bro Paul Jones.
Grand Guide Wy Bro.M.Daniels. ( Appointed.)
Grand Chaplain Wy.Bro.B.H.Meldon. PAGDC (Appointed.)
Grand Treasurer Wy.Bro.P.Howard-Baker. PGStdB
Grand Registrar Wy.Bro.B.W.Slade PAGDC.
Grand Recorder. Wy.Bro.R.B.Smith PGSwdB
Grand Director of Ceremonies Wy.Bro.J.E.Davis
Grand Dep.Dir. of Ceremonies Wy.Bro.C.C.Rawden PGBB
Grand Visitor Wy.Bro.K.G.Foster PGStdB
Grand Visitor Wy.Bro.D.Wortham.
Grand Visitor Wy.Bro.Dr.R.Rew
Grand Visitor Wy.Bro.Dr. G. Bishop
Grand Almoner Wy.Bro.J.A.Stone. PGStdB
Grand Asst.D.C. Wy.Bro.M.Stevens.
Grand Sword Bearer Wy.Bro.G.Peard.
Grand Std Bearer Wy.Bro.M.Grimes
Grand Bow Bearer WyBro.M.Huck.
Grand Asst Rec Wy.Bro.A.D.Williams. PGStdB
Grand Organist Wy.Bro.R.Freeman PGSwdB
Grand Guarder Wy.Bro.Dr.H.Jaggers
Grand Sentinel Wy.Bro.K.Escott. PAGDC ( Appointed)
Grand Steward Wy.Bro.M.Ahluwalia.
Grand Steward Wy.Bro.R.Almond.
Comdr Arch .o.Steel Wy.Bro.M.Symes PPrGV
Dep.Comdr Arch.o.Steel V. Wy.Bro.M.R.Jones PGReg.
Ry Wy Bro.A.Vickery then rose and invited the PGSR to hold the Provincial Grand Conclave under The Banner of Vintry
Conclave No 189.

The meeting was then closed with Solemn Prayer , the closing ode was sung during whish the alms were
collected . followed by the National Anthem.
An excellent festive board was held at 1pm when we were joined by :-
W.Bro.A,Vodden MBE APGM. Craft :
Dr Warner Barton.: Rt Em Kt.HRA.Priests
W.Bro N.M.White. Int Gen. Red Cross of Constantine.

Wy Bro Roger Smith
Provincial Grand Recorder.


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 Province of Devonshire

On Thursday the 9th November our PGSR , Wy Bro John Whitfield accompanied by his Deputy Wy Bro “Solas “ Garrity , Wy Bro Roger Smith, Provincial Grand Recorder, Wy Brother “Dub” Wortham, Provincial Grand Visitor. Wy Bro.Keith Sprague, and Wy Bro Bernie Wayne, attended Annual Grand Conclave in London, along with representatives from every Conclave in the United Kingdom.

We had a wonderful morning with the usual pomp and ceremony , which culminated in Three of our Devonshire Brethren receiving Grand Honours from the M.Wy.Bro Andrew  SWEENEY, the Grand Supreme Ruler.
                       The Devonshire Brethren are:-

Wy Bro. Keith .W.M Sprague  Good Shepherd. Grand Steward. “ Active Rank“
Wy Bro. Bernard Wayne . Barum Conclave Past Grand Sword Bearer.
Wy Bro Arthur Barker

 “ “ Promotion to P.A.G.D.C.

The Province of Devonshire heartily Congratulates these Brethren on receiving these well earned Honours.

Wy.Bro.Roger Smith, PGSwdB.
Provincial Grand Recorder.

L to R:  WyBro Keith Sprague; WyBro David (Dub) Wortham; WyBro Roger Smith; WyBro Adrian (Solas) Garrity; RWyBro John Whitfield; WyBro Bernard Wayne;

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It is with great pleasure that Devonshire Province announces that on Thursday
the 8 th November 2022 at Grand Conclave ,London , the following Brethren
from Devonshire will be receiving a First Grand appointment and a promotion
from the Grand Supreme Ruler , Andrew Christopher Sweeney,
Wy Bro.Paul Howard- Baker of Valley of Rocks Conclave. No.558,
first Appointment to Past Grand Standard Bearer


Wy.Bro Keith Escott of Vintry Conclave No 189, promotion to PAGDC.
We sent these Brethren our Hearty Congratulations on their Preferment .
Roger Smith .PGSwdB.
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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Provincial Grand Conclave Saturday 2nd July 2022

On Saturday the 2nd July 2022 the 16th Annual Meeting of the Province of Devonshire was held at the Mount Edgecomb Masonic Hall in Plymouth, under the Banner of Valley of Rocks Conclave No.558.

This was the first Provincial face- to – face meeting for nearly three years and although Covid has not gone away, it was very well attended, and we were honoured to have present 10 PGSR’s from other Provinces as well as 2, PPGSR’s one of them being our own Rt Wy Bro. Roger Guest and 6 Deputy PGSR’s plus representative of other Masonic Orders.

All of our Conclaves were represented both by their respective Supreme Rulers and Brethren.

A wonderful meeting was held and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Unfortunately some Provincial Officers were unable to attend either because of Covid or other Masonic business. One of them being the Deputy PGSR, who the PGSR re-appointed in his absence.

The PGSR then appointed or Invested his Officers for the ensuing year:-


Prov.Grand Chancellor 

Rt Wy Bro.Peter Hawken.MBE. ( appoint )

Prov Grand Counsellor

Wy.Bro.Paul Jones.

Prov.Grand Guide     

Wy.Bro.Michael Daniels.(appoint)

Prov. Grand Chaplain

Wy.Bro.Brian Meldon PAGDC

Prov.Grand Treasurer

Wy Bro.Paul Howard -Baker

Prov Grand Registrar

Wy.Bro.Barry Slade PAGDC

Prov.Grand Recorder Wy Bro.Roger Smith. PGSwdB
Prov Grand DC Wy Bro.James Davis
Prov Grand Almoner Wy Bro.John Stone. PGStdB
Prov Grand Dep.DC Wy Bro.Chris Rawden PGBB.
Prov.Grand Visitor. Wy.Bro.Ken.Foster. PGStdB.
Prov Grand.Visitor Wy Bro.A.D.Williams PGStdB.
Prov.Grand Visitor Wy.Bro David Wortham.
Prov.Grand Visitor Wy Bro.Shaun Crannis.
Prov .Grand Asst DC Wy Bro.Mark Stevens.
Prov.Grand Swd Br. Wy Bro.Paul Bradfield.(appoint)
Prov Grand StdBr. Wy Bro  Roger Ferrar
Prov Grand Bow Br. Wy Bro. Peter Tempest.
Prov.G Asst.Rec Wy.Bro. A.D.Williams. PGStdB
Prov.Grand Organist Wy Bro Roger Freeman PGSwdB
Prov.Grand Guarder Wy Bro. Henry Jaggers
Prov.Grand Sentinel Wy.Bro. Keith Escott. PGStdB
Past Prov Grand Guide Wy.Bro. John Vooght
Comdr Prov A o Steel   Wy.Bro.  Mervyn Symes PPrGV
Dep.Cmdr A.o.Steel Bro.  Michael O’Meara.

Wy Bro Maurice Huck of Sir Walter Raleigh Conclave then stood and invited the PGSR to hold the next Provincial Meeting under the Banner of Sir Walter Raleigh,

The meeting was closed with solemn prayer, followed by the closing ode and the National Anthem, during which alms were collected. An excellent festive Board was enjoyed by all afterward.

It is hoped that an open visit to Castle Drogo followed by a cream Tea will take place next summer when all members and their families will be made welcome.

Roger Smith PGSwdB.

Provincial Grand Recorder.

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On Saturday 27th November at the Installation  meeting of Vintry Conclave No 189 held at Mt Edgcumbe Masonic Hall in     Plymouth , our PGSR .R.Wy Bro.John Whitfield   presented  R.Wy Bro Peter Hawken with his 50yr Citation and Jewel. for his    continuous and dedicated service to the Order.

This should have been presented to him at Grand Conclave in 2019 but due to the Covid 19 Pandemic and the subsequent     suspension of Masonry this could not be done.

R.Wy Bro Peter Thanked the PGSR and the Brethren present.

Wy Bro. Roger .B.SMITH .                 Provincial G.Recorder




On the 11th November at Grand Conclave in London , the following Members of Devonshire will receive promotion from the M.W.Supreme Ruler .Andrew Sweeney.

               Wy,Bro.David LEE   of Vintry Conclave  189              to    P. G. Visitor (VW.Bro )

                Wy Bro. Adrian 'solas' Garrity . Deputy PGSR           to    PAGDC.

                  Wy Bro.Fred Wheeler . of  Vintry Conclave 189       to    PAGDC.

We send these Brethren many Congratulations  and wish them every success on their Preferment.

Wy Bro Roger Smith PGSwdB.


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On the 22nd September Devonshire are to hold a Confirmation ceremony to confirm the appointment of our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler .R.WyBro.John Whitfield and his Deputy Wy Bro.Adrian (solas) Garrity.


The ceremony is to held in conjunction with the Barum Conclave Installation at Trafalgar Lawn, Barnstaple; and we have the Great honour in receiving the Grand Supreme Ruler, M.Wy.Bro Andrew Sweeney and His Grand DC V.Wy.Bro Chris Davies.


Unfortunately, the Masonic Hall Management Committee has stated that they caqn only allow 30 persons present at that ceremony, for safety reasons, due to Covid 19.  The Provincial Grand Recorder will therefore be liasing with Conclave Secretaries very shortly to inform them as to how many guests or visitors will be allowed to attend this meeting, as First priority must be given to the

Members of Barum Conclave.


The Province apologises for any disappointment this causes but hopes that Members of the Order will understand the restrictions set.


In the Friendship of the Order.

Roger.B.Smith, PGSwdB.

Provincial Grand Recorder


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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire.

On Saturday 3 rd July 2021 at 11 am we held our Provincial Grand Conclave by zoom .
It was hosted by our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler. R.Wy Bro.John Whitfield and had the great pleasure in having present :-

The Asst Grand Supreme Ruler R.Wy.Bro. Gaspar Lewellyn GILL,
The Grand Chaplain V.Wy.Bro. Louis KEATS

Including, 23 Provinces , 21 of which were represented by their PGSR’s , 10 Deputies and 20 Recorders with many other members of our own and other Provinces.
The meeting was officially opened by our PGSR with Prayer and the Dispensation from Grand Conclave to hold the Meeting read.
A Memoriam was given by our Dep PGSR for the following Members of our Order who Passed to the Grand Conclave above this year:-
         Wy Bro. Martin Winchester. PGSwdB Vintry Conclave. No.189.
         Bro. Richard Baber. Prince William Conclave No 599.
         Wy Bro. Stephen Marshall. Pr.G.DC. Valley of Rocks Conclave. No. 558.
Prayer was given by the Provincial Grand Chaplain.

The Treasurer Wy Bro.Paul Howard -Baker was elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year and Account examiners also appointed
The PGSR then had Great pleasure in Appointing Wy Bro Adrian Garrity as his Deputy
The Provincial Grand Officers for the year 2020 / 2021 were then all Re-appointed by the PGSR. For the year 2021 / 2022.
The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler gave a short address to the meeting and then Formally closed the meeting. Many greetings were given by the representatives present.
Copies of Minutes and the Treasurers’ report can be obtained through your Conclave Secretaries.

Roger.B.Smith PGSwdB.
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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A Presentation to our Past PGSR - Wednesday 5th May 2021

Brethren ,


On Wednesday 5th May our PGSR .R.Wy Bro John Whitfield accompanied by Wy Bro Keith Sprague and myself , went up to Northam to surprise the Past PGSR “A gentleman of some repute.”


The reason being that we had been holding a retirement gift from the Province for over a year and unable to present it due to the Covid 19 regs.


Well we caught him by surprise well enough, dressed in his best gardening clothes.


We were welcomed with open arms and John had the pleasure in presenting Roger with the gifts that you , the Brethren of the Province of Devonshire OSM , had given him for his devoted service to the Province both as Deputy in Charge and as Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.


Once again R.Wy Bro Roger, on behalf of the Province of Devonshire OSM “THANK YOU “


Roger.B.Smith PGSwdB
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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Due to the continuing Government Regulations and restrictions regarding the Covid 19 Pandemic, The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy Bro.John WHITFIELD has made the decision that our 2021 Provincial Grand Conclave dueto be held on 3 rd July at the Mount Edgecumbe Masonic Hall at 11am CANNOT go ahead.


A successful application has been made to the Grand Supreme Ruler at Mark Masons Hall for permission to hold a Virtual Business Meeting on Zoom at 11am on 3 rd July 2021.


Notice of this has gone out to all OSM members in Devonshire via the Conclave Secretaries and also All Provincial Recorders throughout the country. The PGSR has requested that, as many as are able, to register with the Provincial Recorder so as to enable them to join the Zoom meeting on the 3rd July. Those members who have registered, will be sent a link in due course to enable them to join the meeting.


The PGSR wishes to announce that the Provincial Team will remain in place and be re-appointed in July at the Virtual Meeting.


The PGSR and the Provincial Team, wish everyone well, stay within the guide lines and Stay Safe.


Yours Fraternally.


Wy.Bro.Roger.B.Smith. PGSwdB
Provincial Grand Recorder.


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Devonshire.Congratulations to Mervyn and Jaqui Symes who were married on Monday 7th September at Lady Margaret's Medieval Hall Honiton.


We wish them every Happiness for a long and Happy life together.


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Grand Rank Promotions Sept 2020.

It is with the greatest pleasure that our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Wy Bro. John Whitfield . announces that Brethren of the O.S.M. Province of Devonshire have received the following promotions.

Anthony David Vickery R.Wy. Past Grand Guide.
Michael Robin Jones V.Wy. Past Grand Registrar.
Michael Roy Cooper Past Grand Asst D.C.
Brian Henry Meldon Past Grand Asst D.C.
Michael Geoffrey. T. Pugh Past Grand Asst D.C.

 We offer these Brethren many Congratulations on their preferment.
Roger.B.Smith PGSwdB
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire - 4th July 2020


Provincial Officers  2020/21.

 Sunday 5th July 2020

Due to the suspension of Masonic Activity arising from the Covid.19 Pandemic. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler has declared that all Current Provincial Grand Officers will remain in place until the resumption of Masonic Activity and to continue as such until the next Annual Provincial Grand Conclave to be held on 3rd July 2021.

New Appointments:-

Wy Bro. Adrian (Solas) Garrity               Appointed Deputy Prov. G. Supreme Ruler.  

Wy Bro. Paul Howard – Baker.               Appointed Provincial Grand Treasurer.

Wy Bro. Stephen Marshall                      Appointed Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Wy Bro. David Bond                                 Appointed Provincial Grand Visitor.

Wy Bro. Andrew Sargent                         Appointed Provincial Grand Sentinel.

Rt Worthy Bro. Whitfield thanks these Brethren for accepting their new Offices and looks forward to working with them .

Wy Bro.Roger Smith PGSwdB

Provincial Grand Recorder.


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Grand Honours

On Thursday 14 th of November at Grand Conclave, London. Several members of the Province attended to see 3 of our Brethren receive Grand Honours.

Wy.Bro.John Clendinning, Sir Walter Raleigh Conclave received a first appointment of PGADC.

Wy Bro.Peter.L.F.Martin .Valley of Rocks Conclave received a first appointment of PGSwdB.

Wy Bro.Terry Sloan . Unity Conclave, received promotion to PGV.

I am very sure that you all wish these Wy Brethren many well deserved Congratulations

Wy Bro.Roger.B.Smith PGSwdB.
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire - 6th July 2019

On Saturday the 6th July at 11am , the Brethren of Devonshire gathered for the Annual Provincial Grand Conclave at Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Hall in Plymouth, which this year was held under the Banner of BARUM Conclave No.380.

This year we were honoured by the presence of Twelve visiting PGSR’s along with Four Deputies and many other Senior Provincial Officers from many Provinces; Also present were Heads of several Devonshire Masonic Orders along with the members of our own Province representing every Conclave in Devonshire. A wonderful meeting was held and enjoyed by all, again in very hot conditions.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy.Bro. Roger.F.Guest  re-appointed Wy.Bro.John Whitfield as his Deputy and had much pleasure in re-appointing Wy.Bro.Keith Sprague as Provincial Grand Counsellor and Wy.Bro.Paul JONES as his Provincial Grand Guide.                                                                                                             A full list Provincial Grand Officers is supplied.

The PGSR then Inspected his Arch of Steel led by their Newly appointed Commander Wy.Bro.Mervyn SYMES.   At the end of the meeting Wy Bro Roger FERRAR of Valley of Rocks Conclave, invited our PGSR to hold the next Provincial Grand Conclave under the Banner of Valley of Rocks Conclave No.558

The day was rounded off by another excellent Festive Board .

The Provincial Grand Officers appointed were as follows:-

Prov.Grand Chancellor … Rt.Wy.Bro.Peter Hawken,MBE.PGC.

Prov.Grand Counsellr ..Wy Bro.KWM.Spague.                            Prov.Grand Guide .. Wy.Bro.Paul Jones.

Prov.Grand Chap ..  Wy Bro.B.Meldon .. PGSwdB.                     Prov.Grand Treas ..  V.Wy.Bro.Trevor Wyatt.PGV.

Prov.Grand Reg. . ..  Wy.Bro.B. Slade..PAGDC.                          Prov.Grand.Rec. …   Wy Bro.R.B.Smith. PGSwdB.

Prov.Grand.DC. …     Wy.Bro.A.P.Garrity. G.Stwd,                      Prov Grand Almoner. ..Wy.Bro.J.A.Stone.PGStdB.

Dep.Prov.Grand.D.C .. Wy Bro.C.C.Rawden .. PGBB.               

Prov Grand. Visitors:-  Wy Bro.K.G.Foster.PGStdB;                     Wy Bro.M.Daniels.;

                                         Wy Bro.P.Howard-Baker                          Wy Bro.A.D.Williams. PGStdB.

Prov.Grand Asst.DC .. Wy.Bro.A.Shearer PAGDC.                     Prov.Grand Swd Br ..  Wy Bro.S.Crannis        

Prov.Grand Std.Br ..   Wy.Bro. D.Wortham.                                  Prov.Grand Bow Bearer .. Wy Bro.M.Stevens.

Prov. Asst Grand Rec .. Wy Bro.A.D.Williams.PGStdB              Prov.Grand Org ..Wy.Bro.R.Freeman. PGSwdB.    

Prov Grand Guarder .. WyBro.P.Bradfield.                                   Prov.Grand Sentinei. .. Wy.Bro.PLF Martin PPGC.

Prov.Grand Steward .. WyBro.I.Pollock.                                         

Prov.Comdr Arch Of Steel. Wy Bro.M.SYMES. PPGSwdB.       Dep.Cmdr Arch of Steel. .. Wy Bro.S.Marshall.        


It is hoped that later next spring or early summer a visit to Castle Drogo. and another Cream Tea.

NB. Please note that the ONLY BANK ACCOUNT used  for BACS or Cheques is  :-,


Roger Smith PGSwdB.  Recorder. Devonshire


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Meander & Cream Tea @ Buckfast Abbey


On Sunday 19th May we have arrange a visit to Buckfast Abbey and afterward a Cream tea in the Grange Restaurant.  The cream tea will cost £7 per head and details of the proposed guided tour of the Abbey will follow.  If you are interested please let me know how many and send your remittance for the Cream tea along with a S.A.E to :- Roger Smith, 5, Woodlands Park, Tedburn St Mary. Exeter. EX6.6AE


Don't forget our Annual Provincial Conclave on the 6th July at Mt Edgecombe Masonic Hall ,Plymouth at 11am and luncheon at 1pm. Details of which including the Provincial Officers for the New Masonic year will be posted next month.




Roger Smith.PGSwdB


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Thank You emails re Donations to Shekinah and Harbour

"Brethren All,

Rt.Wy Bro.Roger Guest has great pleasure in informing you all that due to your generous donations through the year, and through the assistance of Benevolent Match funding , he has been able to donate £1000 to each charity. He sends you all a very big Thank you for your continuous generosity.

Thank you emails.......

Subject: Shekinah Donation

Dear Mr Wyatt,

On behalf of Shekinah, I would like to thank you for your kind donation of £1,000.00 on 1st October 2018. We are grateful for your support, kindness and generosity. It really is important for the clients to know that, kind people in the local community, think and care about them.

Shekinah is a charity, which has been working to help socially excluded and disadvantaged people since December 1992. Now into our 26th year, with the help of supporters such as you, Shekinah has been able to support those with complex needs into healthier, less chaotic lives. Those issues include homelessness, drug and alcohol misuse, offending, mental ill health and long-term unemployment.

People accessing our services in Plymouth and Torbay gain in personal development, confidence, training and general health. This has a positive impact on both the individuals themselves and the community at large. Shekinah seeks to break the chains of negative lifestyles, repeat offending, homelessness and unemployment.

Our aim is to give encouragement to the socially excluded, helping them to realise their full potential, move forward in their lives and have the best chance to bring real and lasting change in their lives.

Therefore, we thank you sincerely for being part of ‘building lives and futures’ with Shekinah.

Kind regards

Pat Andrews


Dear Roger,

Harbour would like to thank you and your organisation for the very kind donation of £1,000.00.

As you know, we are a charity made up of trustees and volunteers, and we are obviously extremely mindful of how we spend any money donated. But in all circumstances we try our hardest to think of the needs of the clients for whom these donations are made. It enables us to maintain a response to the daily needs of our most vulnerable visitors from Bideford and surrounding areas by provision of the drop in facility.

On behalf of Harbour and our clients please thank all those involved.

Very best wishes
Elaine Arrowsmith


Announcements of Grand Rank Appointments

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Rt.Wy.Bro Roger.F.Guest , wishes to inform the Brethren of The Province, that at the next meeting of the Supreme Grand Conclave , to be held at the Grand Temple , Freemasons Hall . London
on the 8th November,

The following Brethren of the Province will receive Grand Rank appointments:-

Wy.Bro.Adrian.P.Garrity. Conclave 294. Grand Steward. "ACTIVE RANK"

Wy.Bro.Roger.B.Smith Conclave 294 Past Grand Sword Bearer.

Wy.Bro.Kenneth.G.Foster Conclave 165 Past Grand Standard Bearer.

Wy.Bro.Alan D.Williams. Conclave 591 Past Grand Standard Bearer

Wy Bro.Christopher.C.Rawden Conclave 335 Past Grand Bow Bearer

The Brethren of the Province will I am sure offer their congratulations to these Brethren .

Also the next Provincial Grand Conclave meeting will be held on the 6th July 2019 Please put this date n your diaries .
Details will follow.

In the Friendship of the Order.
Provincial Grand Recorder.

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Goodies for sale.....


Peter Martin wishes to inform you that he has an extensive range of “Goodies” for sale.

He now holds stocks of the following :-

Socks in Purple and Yellow, Napkins, Pocket handkerchiefs, Yellow Braces.
Also sets of cuff links plus Tie and Lapel pins.

He will be at the next 4 meetings and will be “setting up his stall” ready to receive your orders.

Peter has already given £1000 to the PGSR’S Charity fund , just this year in sales alone , so lets keep him busy .


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Unity Conclave No.294 Installation meeting 12th June.

On Tuesday 12th June, Wy Bro Pat Murphy was Installed as Supreme Ruler of The Unity Conclave No.294 .

The Installation ceremony was conducted by Wy.Bro. David ”Dub” Wortham in an exemplary manner especially after just returning from a business trip to the far East.

Wy Bro Pat was commissioned by our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, who was assisted by Wy.Bro John Whitfield , the Dep PGSR.

The Installation ceremony was supported by a wonderful Team of Active Provincial Officers, who swelled the numbers, to one of, if not the biggest, meeting at Crediton for some time, and sincere thanks were expressed to them.

During the course of the evening we had to witness the retirement of our long serving Recorder V.Wy Bro Brian TYACKE who has served the Conclave as Recorder for twenty years . His place has been taken by Wy Bro David Vaughan, with some trepidation, as he has some very big shoes to fill.

The evening was rounded off by an excellent festive board.

Roger Smith.


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Valley of the Rocks Installation 11th May 2018.

Valley of the Rocks Conclave Installation.

Despite the A361 being closed all day on Friday 11th May, and many alternative routes being congested , many members attended Valley of the Rocks Installation to witness Wy.Bro.Steve Marshall being installed into the Chair.of the Conclave.

 Once again we were made very welcome  and  greeted by a wonderful Cream Tea.

 The Presiding Officer for the Ceremony was our Deputy Supreme Ruler Wy.Bro.John Whitfield  and the Commissioning Officer  the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler Rt Wy Bro.Roger.Guest.

Wy.Bro.Steve ,  a member of the Provincial Arch of Steel , was supported by many members of the Arch, both present and past.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Ruler, Wy Bro.Norman Mitchell had been taken ill the evening before and was unable to attend and install his successor.

The ceremony was conducted in an excellent manner, and  at very short notice,  by Wy.Bro.Paul Howard –Baker.  Wy Bro. Paul was congratulated by our Dep PGSR. for conducting the ceremony in a very sincere manner. During the evening the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler was presented with a generous cheque from the Conclave for his Charities, for which he Thanked them sincerely.

Once again the evening was rounded off by an excellent festive board.

During the Festive board, our Deputy Supreme Ruler Wy Bro John Whitfield made comment that this was one of  the largest attendances for an Installation meeting that he has seen in the Province for some time and which included a Grand total of no less than 15 Provincial Officers. He also expressed his Thanks for their wonderful support during the year and for the coming year commencing in July at the Provincial Grand Conclave meeting in Plymouth.


Roger Smith


Provincial Grand Conclave

Menu for 7th July 2018.

Starter.                       Egg Mayonaise.

Main Course.            White Fish with Sauce, Saute or Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables.

Dessert.                      Scones Cream and Treacle, Thunder & Lightning).

                                     Coffee and Mints.

Please Note:- this is a "SET MENU".

Dinner will be served at 1pm sharp.

Brethren are asked to order any drinks for the Table “in advance” to assist the Bar staff who will be assisting with the service of dinner.

Please make requests for special diets ie:- Chicken, Vegetarian, or Gluten Free.,

Along with your application form and cheque




A. Williams Esq.
31 Portland Street

North Devon

EX34 9NL


Click here for a booking form


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More OSM Goodies!!.

Wy Bro. Pete Martin now has a further  addition to his Stock of "OSM GOODIES". He is now in a position to supply Provincial OSM Neck Ties and Bow Ties 

For prices and avaliability please contact Peter direct . 

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Announcement. of Grand Rank Appointments.


The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler , Rt Wy Bro.Roger Guest ,wishes to inform the Brethren of the Province That at the next Supreme Grand Conclave, being held in the Grand Temple of Freemasons Hall, on the 9th November 2017. The Following Brethren of our Province will be receiving Grand Rank either First appointments or Promotions.


Wy.Bro.Ian Harper . Barum Conclave

Promoted to the" ACTIVE "Office of  Grand Visitor.

Wy.Bro. James Inniss. Good Shepherd Conclave

 First Appointment  to     Past Grand Standard Bearer,
Wy.Bro.John Stone, Unity Conclave,

First Appointment   to    Past Grand Standard Bearer ,

Wy.Bro.Trevor Wyatt, Vintry Conclave Promotion  to    Past Grand Visitor.
Wy Bro.Barry Slade ,  Vintry Conclave . Promoted    to    Past Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies.


I'm very sure that every Brother in the Province will wish their congratulations to the Brethren receiving these Honours . 


Yours in the Friendship of Our Order .


Roger Smith .

Prov.Grand Recorder.



The things you promise to do in a moment of madness!! or was it too much Scotch.

Well done Boss !!



I always said that he was a colouful character!!!

Alan Cockman (a non OSM Member!).


Valley of the Rocks Installation 12th May.

On Friday evening the 12th May at The Croft, Lynton, many members of the Order met for the Installation meeting of Wy.Bro.Norman Mitchell.

We were greeted on arrival by a Devonshire Cream Tea and an immediate debate took place, “Cream first or Jam first ”,  who cares, it was wonderful and my diet was broken there and then.

The numbers were soon increased by the attendance of the Provincial  Grand  Supreme Ruler, R.Wy.Bro Roger Guest, his Deputy, Wy.Bro.John Whitfield and a number of his Provincial Team Including The Provincial  Arch of Steel.


The Conclave was treated to an excellent ceremony where Wy Bro Norman was Installed into the Chair by Wy Bro. Paul Howard- Baker in a superb manner.

During the Meeting the Pr.G.S.R. was presented with a magnificent cheque for his Amigos Charity, and he Thanked the Conclave members for their wonderful generosity. The evening was then rounded off by an excellent Festive Board held in a Happy OSM  atmosphere.


Roger Smith .

Prov.Asst G Rec



Dear Brethren,  I have just received  these ”One Off” Custom Made Cufflink /Pin Boxed Sets.

All proceeds from sale of these will go to the PGSR fund as with Knapkins, Socks, Handkies etc.

Mrs Mary Harper, wife of our Provincial Counsellor, Wy Bro Ian Harper, has very kindly offered to cover any Postage & Packing costs.

Please purchase from me personally on my travels about the Province, or send your order together with Cash or Cheque for £20 [made payable to DEVONSHIRE OSM PGSR FUND] to me @ : Peter L F Martin, 10, Richmond Park, Northam, Bideford, Devon. EX391ER. I have 50 sets , first come ,first serve.  IFOSM, Wy Bro. Peter L F Martin. PPr G V, Pr G Sentinel.


 Provincial Social Gathering.

Brethren All.

Bro Mervyn Symes of The Good Shepherd Conclave has asked if a Social gathering might be arranged for the Summer.  This was put to the Exec committee who have agreed with his suggestion.

Therefore, Wy Bro.Ian Harper has volunteered to hold a Garden party with a cream tea, at his home in Bideford.  This will be held on:-                                                                                                                   10th June 2017 at 15, Greenacre Close, Northam, Bideford.EX39.1DA

There will also be a local choir in attendance who sing a variety of Sea Shanties and local songs, and of course Ian’s model Railway running around his garden.                                                                           The cost will be £5 per head which will go to OSM Charities.

Wy Bro. Roger Smith .                                                                                                                                      Asst Pr.G.Rec.


Official Visit to Vintry Conclave No.189

On Saturday 26th November, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Rt.Wy.Bro.Roger Guest, accompanied by his Deputy Wy Bro.John Whitfield, his Arch of Steel , Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, attended Vintry Conclave No.189, on the occasion of their Official visit.

 The Official party was greeted individually by members of the Conclave and collectively in open Conclave by Wy Bro.Mike Pugh and their Supreme Ruler Wy.Bro.Tom Davidson.

 Wy.Bro.Tom and his Team then proceeded to enact the Princes degree, in which Wy.Bro.Jim Ward ,their new joining member undertook the role of Candidate. The ceremony was enacted in a very sincere manner, after which the P.G.S.R. rose and congratulated the Team for a job well done. 

 It was later announced that the next Provincial Conclave will be held on Saturday the 1st July 2017. under the Banner of Unity Conclave 294.

Roger Smith .




Charity Open day event.

On Saturday 13th August ,  Wy Bro. Ian Harper and his wife Mary, opened the garden of their home in Northam, Bideford, for a Charity event, to raise money for three Charities.:- 

Amigos, Parkinsons UK and Plymouth Royal Naval Recovery service.

It was very well attended on what turned out to be a very warm sunny afternoon and was supported by a goodly number of people. Refreshments were provided by Mrs Mary Harper , who made sure that everyone was catered for. During the afternoon the 4 inch gauge railway was working and we were also entertained by a lovely local choir singing Shanties. .

The  afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by all ( especially Ian’s home made Cider Hic!! ) and a total of £200.00  was raised.

Thank you Ian and Mary for a lovely afternoon at your home in Northam .

Roger Smith.



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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire.




R Wy Bro. Roger Guest , Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of the Province of Devonshire , wishes to announce that he has presented a cheque for £3000 to the Amigos Charity. 


This magnificent amount has been possible by the very generous donations from our Devonshire Conclaves and has been match funded by Mark Masons Hall.


The attached photo shows the PrGSR  thanking Wy.Bro Peter Martin for the wonderful job he has done, and is continuing to do, for the Province in selling Socks, Pocket hankerchiefs, and napkins etc, the proceeds of which go to the Amigos Charity.


Well done all and may your generosity continue.


Yours in the Friendship of the Order.

Roger Smith.

Pr. Asst.G.Recorder

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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire.

On Saturday the 2nd July at Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Hall, Plymouth, the Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire was held under the Banner of Vintry Conclave No.189.

The ceremony was attended by Provincial Grand Supreme Rulers from 14 Provinces, along with their Deputies or Officers; also present were Three Heads of other Devonshire Orders , and the Asst.PGM of the Craft, W.Bro.Colin Gale. and many Officers and Brethren of the Devonshire Conclaves.

After the Formal Processions under the Guard of the Provincial Arch of Steel, the meeting was opened in due form by The Provincial Supreme Grand Ruler of Devonshire Wy. Bro. Roger.F. Guest at 10.50am .and the Guests welcomed.  The Business of the day was then completed during which the P.G.S.R. appointed and invested his Officers for 2016 / 17.  and inspected his Arch of Steel.    A list of which is below.

The Asst Pr. Rec then formally invited all present to attend the next Provincial Conclave to be held at Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Hall, under the Banner of Unity Conclave No 294, at 11am on Sat.1st July 2017. The Conclave was then closed in due and ancient form.

Everyone then attended a superb festive Board  held in the Refrectory.

( I do apologise, there are no photos this year as I was too busy )

Fraternally and in the Friendship of the Order

Wy.Bro.Roger Smith .



  Provincial Officers for 2016 / 17

Grand Chancellor          R. Wy Bro.P.Hawken MBE. P.G.C.                        

Grand Counsellor              Wy.Bro.I.C.Harper.PAGDC

Grand.Guide                     Wy.Bro. G.F.Thomas.

Grand Chaplain                  Wy.Bro. B.H.Meldon. P.G.SwdB.

Grand Treasurer               Wy.Bro. T.Wyatt.PAGDC

Grand Registrar                Wy.Bro. B.W.Slade.P.G.Stwd.

Grand Recorder             V.Wy.Bro. B.R.Tyacke. P.G.V.

Grand D.C.                        Wy.Bro. A.P.Garrity.

Grand Almoner                 Wy.Bro.J.A.Stone.

Dep.Grand.D.C.                 Wy.Bro.C.C.Rawden.

Grand Visitor                    Wy.Bro.M.Winchester.   

Grand Visitor                    Wy.Bro.B.Wayne.  

Grand Visitor                    Wy.Bro.A.C.Barker. PGBB.

Grand Visitor                    Wy.Bro.A.D.Williams

Grand. A.D.C                     Wy.Bro.A.B.Shearer

Grand Sword Bearer         Wy.Bro.K.W.M.Sprague

Grand Std Bearer            Wy.Bro.K.G.Foster       

Grand Bow Bearer            Wy.Bro.J.M.Vooght

Grand Asst Rec                Wy.Bro.R.B.Smith  

Grand Organist.               

Grand Guarder                  Wy.Bro.B.Potter.

Grand Sentinel                  Wy.Bro.P.L.F.Martin.

Grand Steward.                Wy.Bro. D.J.Jamieson.

Commander A of St       V.Wy.Bro. R.W.Preston

Dep.Com. A of St             Wy.Bro. C.D.J.Vaughan


Unity Conclave No.294 Installation meeting.

On Tuesday evening 14th June , Unity Conclave No.294 , Crediton,  Installed  Bro. David Vaughan as their Supreme Ruler for the ensuing year.


The meeting was attended by our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy.Bro.Roger .Guest and his Deputy Wy.Bro.John Whitfield, and many Grand Officers , Supreme and Past Supreme Rulers and Brethren.


Bro.Vaughan was Installed by Wy Bro.Roger Smith and then commissioned by the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler. R.Wy Bro Guest


The evening was completed by a wonderful Festive Board .


The accompanying Photos show:-  Bro.David Vaughan (Supreme Ruler)

                                                            Bro.David with his Councillor and Guide

                                                            Bro.David with his Officers and DC.   


Roger Smith .

Prov.Asst.Grand Rec. 



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Dear Brethren,

  Please note that :- 


Thank you all so much for your generosity thus far. We are doing a lot of good for those less fortunate than ourselves. 

Many Thanks,



The Good Shepherd Conclave No.335 Installation meeting.

On Tuesday evening the 28th April 2016 at  The Masonic Hall, Seaton,  The Good Shepherd Conclave No.335 , held their Installation meeting. 

The meeting was attended by our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler , R Wy.Bro. Roger Guest and his Deputy Wy.Bro. John Whitfield. and accompanied by his Arch of Steel and a goodly number of Provincial Officers and Supreme Rulers of other Conclaves.  

We had the pleasure of witnessing Bro.Glenford Richard BISHOP installed in a superb and confident manner by Wy.Bro. Simon DUNN.

After the Ceremony we then had the great pleasure in witnessing Wy.Bro.John VOOGHT , The Supreme Ruler of Valley of the Rocks Conclave No.558 formally hand over the Travelling Bow to Wy.Bro.Bishop.

The whole evening was rounded off by a wonderful Festive Board. where the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler announced his Provincial Officers for next year.

Click here to view the photos

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" A  DC's Dream come true? or Nightmare !!" 


Our Dep. P.G.S.R.  reports  that at the Installation Ceremony of Vintry Conclave No. 189.

Wy.Bro.Roy BULLEY  assisted by Vy.Wy.Bro.Tony Vickery installed Bro.Tom Davidson into the Chair of the Conclave. 


Wy Bro.Michael Pugh, their Director of Ceremonies, had the formidable task of giving the following Salutations :-


1. To The Rt Wy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler                .....         Seven .

2.     The Wy Dep Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler               .....        Five.

3.     The Vy. Wy Past Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler          .....       Five.

4.     The Rt.Wy.Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler for Cornwall    ...    Seven.

5.     The Rt Wy. Peter Hawken. P.G.Counsellor                     .....       Seven.

6.     The Vy. Wy Ron Preston. P.G.Visitor                               .....      Five.

7.     The Grand Officers, in particular Wy.Bro.David Lee.PAGDC ...  Three.

and they ALL suitably replied.  


WELL DONE Brethren.

Roger Smith .

P.Asst G.Rec.


A Provincial 1st.

On Thursday evening the 17th December, Our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, R.Wy Bro Roger Guest , led the First ever Official Provincial visit to Devon Conclave, No 165. Meeting at Newton Abbot.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, and his Deputy, Wy.Bro. John Whitfield, were processed in under the Provincial Banner with a full team of Grand and Provincial Grand Officers, including the Past Deputy Supreme Ruler and Provincial Grand Summus of Province of Western  Counties , Order of the Scarlet Cord, Wy.Bro.Tony Vickery . Also attending were many visiting Supreme Rulers of other Devonshire Conclaves and their members.
All were greeted warmly by the Brethren of the Devon Conclave, who were led by their Acting Supreme Ruler. V.Wy.Bro. Ron Preston, who went on to open an Assembly of Princes and to admit Bro. Peter Tempest as a Prince of the Order.

Before the meeting was closed, the Supreme Ruler of Vintry Conclave No.189, Wy.Bro.Roy Bulley, along with members of his Conclave formed a procession and formally handed over the Travelling Bow to the Devon Conclave, for their safe keeping, until they in turn forward it to another Conclave. The Bow was officially received on the Conclaves behalf by the Acting Supreme Ruler V.Wy Bro. Ron Preston.

We all then retired to the refectory where were treated to an excellent Christmas dinner, which rounded off a wonderful evening in the spirit of the Order and in the company of good friends.

May I take this opportunity of wishing  All in our Order, a Very Happy Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Sincerely and Fraternally ,

P.Asst G.Rec.

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Provincial Grand Conclave of Devonshire.

At the Provincial Grand Conclave on Saturday the 4th July, our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Rt.Wy Bro.Roger Guest, had the great pleasure in presenting the Provincial Travelling Bow to Wy Bro. Roy Bulley, Supreme Ruler of Vintry Conclave No.189.under whose Banner the Conclave was held.                                                                                                                        The Bow and Arrows which are contained in a beautifully constructed case, were made by Wy Bro.W.Lothmann and Wy. Bro. B.Wayne.

The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler is seen here in the Photo accompanied by:-

 Wy.Bro.Roy Bulley, SR.189 on the left of the PGSR. With Wy Bros Lothmann and Wayne on his right

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The Yellow Socks a Further Update.


My Dear Brethren, in my last update I reported that  in addition to the yellow socks and Provincial Napkins I was planning to stock pairs of pocket  hand kerchiefs  in yellow and purple. Unfortunately, I am unable to source them at present.

However, V Wy Bro Jim Evans, Provincial Almoner has come to my rescue and is currently sourcing supplies of the official OSM pocket handkerchiefs. These have the same colour scheme as our ties. As and when they arrive I will post a notice .

Meanwhile I have arranged for him to provide OSM cufflinks at £12 per pair [£2.50p to the charity], and  bow & arrow lapel badges at £5 each [with £2.50p to the charity].

All these additional items I hope to have in stock by the Provincial Meeting.

As these items are an essential accessory for the discerning brother, I look forward to serving you all with good results for the PGSR's Charity Fund.


Wy Bro Peter L F Martin, Prov G Sentinel.

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Valley of Rocks No 558 New Ezel.


On Friday 8th May 2015 at Valley of Rocks Conclave No 558, Lynton.

Right Worthy Bro, Roger F Guest the PGSR &  Worthy Bro John Whitfield the Deputy PGSR  were in attendance for the Installation meeting at which Wy Bro John Vooght was Installed as Supreme Ruler by Wy Bro Peter L F Martin, Prov G Sen.

The photograph shows Bro Andrew Petherick shaking hands with Wy Bro Martin above the  new Ezel, In the presence of the PGSR and DPGSR.

Bro Petherick made, decorated and presented  the beautiful Ezel which is a welcome addition to the Conclave Inventory and adds splendour and dignity to all our meetings.

Bro Petherick is adamant that it is a "one off" and he is definitely not taking orders. However the S/R and brethren of Valley of Rocks Conclave extend a hearty welcome any brethren who wish to visit and see the Ezel in use.



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Great  Weekend had in Channel Isles. - 17.04.15

 On Friday 17th April. Our Provincial Supreme Ruler, R.Wy Bro Roger( bob)  Guest and his Deputy John, travelled to the Channel Isles for the Province of Guernsey and Alderney Provincial meeting. They were met at Guernsey airport by the Brethren of Guernsey, who along with the Cornish Provincial Team were transported to their Hotels for the weekend.

 On Saturday morning they were all picked up again by members of the Guernsey team, and taken to the Masonic Centre in St Martins where they enjoyed a great meeting and a wonderful Festive Board.

After the meeting Roger and John were treated to a trip around the Island by Brother Wes Williams. Later that evening they met up with Bro. Wes and his good lady and with others, had a very “happy” evening.

Bro. Williams met them again on Sunday morning and took them around the rest of the island before taking our Supreme Ruler and his Deputy to the airport for their return flight home to Exeter.

Fortunately the Flight was on time and with a tail wind got them home in time for our Leader to celebrate his dear lady’s birthday WHHOOO!!!.


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The Yellow Socks - An Update

In my first report I said: "It is hoped that the sale of  Yellow socks in aid  of this charity and as a fun way of showing our support for our PGSR, will be a profitable and enjoyable exercise."

 I am now able to report that through the efforts of V. Wy Bro Tony Vickery in procuring them, I am able to provide Yellow Napkins, and at the 2015 Provincial Meeting, I will also be able to offer Pairs of Purple and Yellow Pocket Handkercheifs. 

I will be attending  Installation and other  meetings throughout the year and will endeavour to have supplies of these excellent  items with me at all meetings. 

Mrs Mary Harper, wife of our Provincial Grand Chaplain has extended her very kindly offer  to cover all postage and packing costs. 

Cost of  items : Socks per pair = £10.

                              Napkins = £10.

                              Pocket Handkerchiefs per pair (One Purple One Yellow). £5.

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Please send a cheque  made payable to:


TO: Peter L F Martin. 10, Richmond Park, Northam, Bideford, Devon. EX39 1ER.


You will be pleased to know that I have paid in £430 to our Province Treasurer.

In hand I have £22.26p and items in hand to the value of £670.

12 pairs of socks, 43 napkins & 30 pairs of pocket handkerchiefs.


Together with cheques presented by Conclaves, the total contributed to PGSR's fund is quite considerable and the amount will be included in the Provincial accounts.


Thank You all for your generous contributions thus far and in anticipation of your continued support. 



 Wy. Bro Peter L F Martin. Prov G Sentinel.


here is the web address for the PGSR's nominated charity. http://www.amigos.org.uk/donations-amigos.asp


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About the Ducks....

Many Brethren will have wondered why our leaders were pictured wearing huge grins and holding ducks.

As always in an order devoted to brotherly friendship and helpfulness our resplendent leaders agree to be photographed holding the ducks in support of the Mayor of Exeter's charity appeal for an accommodation unit at our Hospice for relatives of the dying.

The picture will be entered into a friendly competition for the most unusual venue for a duck!

We entertain great hopes as this surely is the first occasion that a duck has been seen in a Masonic lodge at the installation of a deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.

Many thanks to them for their cheerful endeavours on what was a superb day for everyone.

Bro Dj

Supreme Ruler 294 Unity

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The Provincial Grand Conclave for Devonshire - 05.07.14


On the 5th July we enjoyed our annual PGL meeting.


It was a great occasion as John Whitfield was installed in the chair of DPGSR.  The PGSR gave a sincere and very welcome eulogy of thanks to his predecessor for many years of service to the Order.

The shirt free and tie free event or so it appeared early that morning. The day before some of the Provincial Officers arrived in Plymouth to prepare for the meeting and this being efficiently organised they retired for  refreshment.

The Provincial Grand Recorder Designate in conscientiously performing his duties for the meeting realised that his tie was not among the items he had packed.

The following morning a despondent Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler greeted his Deputy Designate. The Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler was dressed correctly from the waist down but not upwards.

Not only was his tie missing but also his shirt. His Deputy Designate, still in his role of Provincial Director of Ceremonies, suggested on arrival at the meeting to those already present that in deference all should follow the example of the Provincial Supreme Ruler. The Provincial Director of Ceremonies ever prepared had a spare shirt and the odd ‘phone call produced ties. Not only was the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler dressed completely dressed correctly but also his top button was done up. A First!


A wonderful meeting followed with plenty of support from other Provinces and our own Brethren. John Whitfield was installed as Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler by the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, Right Worthy Brother Roger Frank Guest. An enjoyable Festive Board enjoyed by all accompanied by the usual toasts and short speeches.


At the close the trio of PGSR DPGSR and Immediate Past DPGSR received a visit from Wurzel Gummage and Aunt Sally , two handmade knitted ducks adopted by my wife Karen which are part of the Exeter Leukaemia Fund appeal  by  the Lord Mayor of Exeter .


These ducks , priced at £2.50, are made by relatives of patients or volunteers to support the appeal for an extension to their current unit at the RD&E Hospice to allow some private time  for families with their loved ones before they pass away.


The idea is to get them photographed in unusual locations with famous people, such as our leaders, and be entered into a competition with small prizes for the winners to advertise the appeal.


I include photos taken at our event for you to chose one. One can clearly see the enjoyment of our leadership as they greeted the visiting emissaries of the Lord Mayor of Exeter.


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Thank You Letter from Amigos.


Following the donation of £150 to Amigos, R.Wy.Bro.Roger F Guest, Our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler, has received a letter of thanks from that charity which you can view by clicking here.


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The Yellow Socks.


A Charitable exercise on behalf of the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler.


At the 2012 Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Devonshire, Excellent Companion Roger F Guest was promoted to the active rank of Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. This office is equivalent to Provincial Grand Senior Warden in Craft. The main duty required of the holder of this high office is to attend Installation Convocations and give the address to the Companions. These duties being shared with the Provincial Grand Registrar.

All Companions in the Holy Royal Arch are encouraged to wear Red Socks to Chapter. All funds derived from the sale of these socks are donated to the Royal College of Surgeons which is the chosen Charity for that degree.


Our Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler has chosen Amigos as his charity.

The Home page of this Charity can be found at:




It is hoped that the sale of  Yellow socks in aid  of this charity and as a fun way to show our support for our PrGSR, will be a profitable and enjoyable exercise.


I will be attending all the Installation meetings throughout the year and will endeavour to have supplies of these excellent socks with me at all meetings.


Mrs Mary Harper, wife of our Provincial Grand Chaplain has very kindly offered to cover all postage and packing costs.


Please send a cheque FOR £10 per pair made payable to:



Peter L F Martin. 10, Richmond Park, Northam, Bideford, Devon. EX39 1ER.


At the Installation meeting of Devon Conclave in Newton Abbott, the brethren kindly purchased 17 pairs. The sum of £150 has already been paid into the fund by the Provincial Grand Treasurer Wy Bro Trevor Wyatt. A good start thank you brethren.




Bro Peter L F Martin. Prov G Sentinel.